
Eurisy is an association of 20 EU space agencies including ESA, CNES, DLR, ASI, UKSA, BELSPO, NSO,... Eurisy’s mission is to bridge space and society by raising awareness on the potential of satellite applications with professional end-user communities: SMEs, regions, cities,...

Eurisy is also permanent observer with the United Nations COPUOS and was founded in 1989 on the initiative of French Minister Hubert Curien and EC president Jacques Delors.

En savoir plus

Dominique Tilmans - Eurizy

United Nations - Symposium 2017 Austria

United Nations - Symposium 2017 Austria
United Nations - Symposium 2017 Austria
United Nations - Symposium 2017 Austria
United Nations - Symposium 2017 Austria

Access to Space: Holistic Capacity - Building for the 21st Century -3-7 September Graz - Austria

The Symposium will build around innovative approaches to capacity-building in the space sector, including the need to measure progress and development. The determination of the long term impact of an activity can be a challenging task but can be overcome by creating a set of standardized set of Space Capabilities indicators covering all space related domains and applications and will provide orientation to countries in the evaluation of their capabilities and their prioritization. Therefore, this set of indicators becomes a key decision support tool for countries in space related matters. It could also serve the Office for Outer Space Affairs to measure the impact of its activities and can help propose targeted initiatives by identifying gaps or areas of improvement.
