Space Exploration & Literacy in the Curriculum Conference - Cape Town - 1st & 2 April 2021
Video Conference - Dominique speech on the 2d April -
The exploration of space is among the most fascinating ventures of modern times. It has carried first instruments, then people themselves, beyond Earth’s atmosphere, into a remoteness that until relatively recently was hardly known or understood. Although its borders already have been crossed, space still holds mysteries and, undoubtedly, surprises beyond number. Space Education in the curriculum will allow students to access education, and increases economic prospects, broaden opportunities for social mobility, and contribute to the empowerment of students STEM, and Space Exploration knowledge. This conference will bring together leaders and decision-makers within the Astronomy & STEM community – engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, educators, agency representatives and policy makers to discuss current challenges and innovative solutions and it will contain opportunities to learn about how space exploration in the curriculum is important in early childhood education. eTutorSA is building the African Space Network for kids and Future Space explores . We provide a platform that allows students to learn about Space science and technology. Students will be able to connect with other space enthusiast from different geographical locations. It’s time for African Underprivileged Schools to embrace STEM education.